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Soul Surfing 101: Finding Joy in the Ride

Greetings, fellow PhiloSurfer!

Are you feeling trapped in the pursuit of goals, always chasing after the next accomplishment without taking time to enjoy the ride? It’s a common pitfall that many of us fall into, leaving us unfulfilled no matter how many titanic tasks we check off our lists.

I’ve been there myself. I used to be a hardcore goal-oriented person, receiving multiple degrees and awards and publishing books. But even after reaching these milestones, I still felt empty and dissatisfied.

It was a tough lesson, but it taught me that life is not just about achieving goals. It’s about finding joy in the journey, combining productive with joyful activities. As a surfer, I know that the best waves are the ones caught purely for the joy of surfing, not for competition or scores. This is what some call “soul surfing.”

So, my double challenge to you is this:

1.  Make a list of the things that energize you, make you feel good, and that their joy doesn’t end shortly after you do them.You may find inspiration in mine.

2.  Prioritize doing them as often as possible. This means allocating time for them in your schedule.

Whether it’s surfing, spending time with loved ones, flipping pages, or spinning vinyl, these flow activities should bring you happiness just for the sake of doing them.

Like improving. Or like becoming more self-aware.

And they don’t end abruptly, draining you. They are a free-refill soda fountain!

As surfers, we understand that there’s no definitive milestone or finishing line; just us, the waves, and the stoke.

Surf, eat, sleep. Repeat.

Let go of expectations, embrace the unknown, and find joy in the ride. Aristotle believed that the purpose of our existence is to flourish and actualize our full potential, but he also emphasized the importance of balancing off with pleasant, non-purposeful activities.

So keep surfing for joy, my friend, and remember that even in the messiest days, there’s always a chance to catch a sweet ride for the soul.


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